Thursday, July 21, 2016

8 Benefits of Drinking Water With Lemon For Weight Loss

Are you making plans to lose weight? It is beneficial that you add water and lemon to your plan. These 2 things alone can help you to a smoother weight loss path. The experts have stated that everyone needs 8 ounces of water with lemon daily. Now this is not just so you can have flavoring with your water but to make losing weight easier. Water alone does a great job of revamping the cells in your body so they can perform better. When you add lemon to it the outcome is greater. Make sure not to combine any sugars or sweeteners with this or you will lose the benefits.

Healthy eating

You should not only just drink water with lemon to lose weight. It is essential that you still exercise and eat right. It is questioned what temperature the water should be at. It really depends on what you rather have. You can drink the water and lemon at ice cold temperature and this will force your body to burn calories. This is because your body will have to work to warm the water up. Who would have thought that such a simple and inexpensive method would help you to lose weight? The best part is you can begin immediately.

Here are the Top 8 Benefits of Drinking Water with Lemon for Weight Loss

1. When you start drinking this combination the body will stop storing fluid and allow for you to start losing weight faster.

2. Lemon has vitamin c in it which is essential for good skin.

3. It allows for you to have a stronger immune system. 

4. This will push out toxins within your body so your body can function at a higher rate. 

5. This will clean out your blood allowing for better blood flow within your body. 

6. This improves the functioning of the digestive system. 

7. It also helps your body to absorb calcium, which will allow you to have stronger bones. 

8. Since lemon is an acid it helps tear apart fat in the body.

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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

How to Get Ripped - Learn How To Build Muscles

If a guy is hitting the gym it is quite probable that his main aim includes getting ripped. A ripped body means athletic, lean and generally aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Some of the basic properties of a ripped body include but are not limited to: six pack abs, shredded obliques and muscular arms. You can have big muscles, however if they are hidden under rolls of fat you will look more like a friendly teddy bear not a sexy hunk. If your muscles are too big, yet not in proportion with the rest of the body, you might also leave an impression of a "muscle freak" to other people. The key to getting a shredded body is low body fat and moderate, proportional muscle definition. How to get ripped in the easiest and most efficient way? Let's find an answer to that in this article.

How to Get Ripped

There are several misconceptions on how to get ripped and achieve an aesthetically pleasing physique. Some people think that it is only possible thanks to good genetics, steroids and fat burners. Others believe that the ripped muscles you see in ads and magazines are the result of good Photoshop editing. The truth is that while the aforementioned things can give results it is usually only a temporary solution and not really healthy. Fat burners are effective but will only work while you take them and you will quickly return to your normal self once you stop using them. Genetics play a big role in your natural fat distribution, but won't make muscle grow out of thin air. Steroids - let's not even go there. To look good in photos, even with alteration, you still have to have a solid base to work with. Therefore, the real key to getting ripped is rather simple - hard, dedicated work and a solid plan.

A workout plan is only a part of the equation. While it is important to know how to do the exercises correctly, how to warm-up and balance your workout throughout the week in order to exercise all muscle groups evenly and efficiently, it is usually the easiest part as well. For a beginner any workout plan that is aimed at building muscle mass and exercising all major muscle groups will do. If you don't have all your life to dedicate to gym, 3 days per week should be enough. Leave 1 day between workouts for muscle rest. For example, exercising on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays or Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays is a good solution. If you aren't a professional athlete, you shouldn't need to devote more than 3 to maximum - 5 days per week to gym. In one week you should be able to exercise all your muscle groups evenly. If you are visiting the gym 3 times per week then you should be able to do 2 muscle groups per one exercise day. For example, for Monday you would do chest, triceps and abs, for Wednesday - back and biceps and Friday would be the leg and shoulder day. Some people worry about having visible abs and end up training them every day which is not necessary. Abs tend to show when you develop low body fat percentage and your core gets trained from performing other basic exercises such as deadlifts and squats. The saying: "Abs are made in the kitchen" is not without basis, which brings us to our next point.

When talking about muscle growth, dieting is one of the most important, if not the most important thing that will assist you in developing a beautiful, shredded body. If you want your muscle to grow, then it will need resources which can be transformed into energy. You can work out all you like, but if you are not taking in the calories, it is unlikely that you will experience any muscle growth. That is why guys in the gym usually go through a bulking and cutting phases. Unless you are overweight already, when building muscle you should take in a proper amount of calories in balanced meals, ideally 5-6 times a day. This will build muscle and sometimes add some fat as well, hence the name - bulking. Once the necessary muscle tonus is achieved one should change to a "cutting" diet, reducing calorie intake and exercising the same way as before. This will keep the muscles working, but the fat will burn and the body will start to look "ripped". Finding the right amount of caloric intake can be tricky. If you are skinny, you will have to eat more than you regularly do. Some people, who are a bit "genetically blessed" and have a very high metabolism rate can bulk while cutting by consuming a lot of lean meat, drinking protein shakes, eating fish, broccoli, oatmeal, cottage cheese, eggs (especially the yolks) and reducing overall carbohydrate intake. If you are overweight, you will probably have to switch to healthier foods, eliminating sweets and high fat foods from your diet. The same rule about eating smaller meals 5-6 times throughout the day applies.

There are still some important elements worth mentioning in regards to exercise and muscle building. They are sleep and lifestyle. For your muscles to grow your body needs rest which means that you will have to sleep at least 8 hours every day, 9 being ideal. You will also have to forget about such habits as smoking, alcohol and drugs. Stress can also leave a negative effect on your body, preventing you in achieving the perfect physique you always wanted.

These are the basic tips that should be enough to get you started. For a muscle building program and specific workouts you should consult a trainer at the gym or body building forums. There are plenty of resources online that will show you how to perform the exercises properly and what exercises to do in order to train the specific muscle groups. Body Building forums are a good place to start. Just register and make a new thread, asking for a beginner training program. Mention in your post if you are overweight, skinny or of normal weight, since that could determine whether you should incorporate aerobic exercises such as running on the treadmill in your workout regime.

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Monday, June 27, 2016

Super-Foods That Help You Lose Weight Really Fast

If you have heard the term Super-food quite often in recent times and have wondered, what it is all about, here is your answer. Super foods are those foods that while providing the body with rich nutrients are low in calorie. So they not only help you lose weight really fast, they also help in fighting illness and aging process by providing necessary boost to the immune system. As a result of thorough research, some food items have been given the status of super-foods and they are essential to everyone's diet irrespective of whether you want to lose weight really fast or not.

Help You Lose Weight

Acai Berry

Rated as the number 1 super food and widely promoted by stars like Oprah Winfrey, Acai berry in the form of fruits and supplements helps lose weight really fast. Acai berry is blessed with all nutrients that the body requires. It promotes metabolism, provides clarity to mind, strengthens the immune system, promotes good sleep and acts as a powerful anti oxidant. When the body experiences such positive effects, it automatically begins to lose weight really fast.


Grapefruit diet is known to help lose weight really fast. This is not just a random fact but this is backed up by a solid study that was conducted at the Clinic of Scripps, California is 2004. The study revealed that consuming half a grape fruit before every meal can help you lose weight really fast. Whether you take in the form of fruit, juice or capsules, the effect is the same. An entire grape fruit has only about 80 calories. Additionally, grapefruit also has cancer-fighting abilities.


Sardines are among the cheapest and most widely available super foods that while tasting good help in losing weight really fast. As sardines are filled with protein, they help in stabilizing the levels of blood sugar and make you feel quite full. Sardines also help in stimulating metabolism. Additionally, they form a rich source of Omega-3s. This helps in providing extra strength to your cardio vascular system. Sardines are also devoid of contaminants like heavy metals and mercury.


Broccolis are high in vitamins and low in calories. Whether taken in the form of soup or salad, it helps in weight management. If you find the usual broccoli dishes boring, you could fry broccoli with a bit of scallions and garlic. You could jazz it up with a bit of soy sauce to give an oriental finish.


For years, Popeye has been showing us the right way to lose weight really fast. However, fresh spinach is highly recommended to canned spinach. Spinach is high in Vitamin K, C, A and B. Its also an effective anti oxidants. Make a salad with raw spinach and add vinegar and olive oil dressing. To make it more interesting, slice boiled egg into pieces and add them to the salad.

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